Sunday, October 25

The reality of my life

Okay so my life...where to start exactly. My life is a mess that is spinning out of control and I am losing everyone who means so much to me. My reality is trying to cope and understand the hell of living with Bi-Polar Disease. I guess you could say that I'm letting it run my life instead of me running it. It has caused me so much unnecessary hurt and tears. I am in love with a man I am close to losing or maybe I have already lost him. I have let my disease take an important person from me again. So how can I save the relationship that is so inportant to me? I have no idea. Accoring to the books I read I have to stay on my Medication, and this is so hard for me to do. I am the Queen of stopping the Medication. But to save my sanity and my relationship I am currently in I am going to take my Medication.

1 comment:

Kidgas said...

Yes, it is important to take your medication. I think you need to look at your reasons for stopping repeatedly. Do you think you are well since you feel that way on the meds? Are you embarrassed to be taking something for Bi-Polar Disease? Is it different to you than someone with diabetes? Why?

Ask yourself why you stop and realize that it is not a good idea to stop.
