Friday, June 4

Lunar Love Horoscope for Taurus

Flights of Fancy
Week of June 4 - 6
The weekend starts all sweet and squishy with the Moon in super-sensitive Pisces and passionate Mars opposite surreal Neptune on Friday. This emotional dreaminess definitely puts a dash of romance in the air and encourages escapes from reality. Fantasy plays an important role in intimate matters now, raising relationships from their predictable routine to higher levels of inspiration. Stretching the boundaries of imagination can rekindle the spark in a less-than-thrilling partnership. On the other hand, the lure of a new person in these fuzzy circumstances can overcome good judgment. Enjoy the flights of fancy and the pleasures of the heart that are unfolding now, but don't count on this as the right time to build a solid foundation.
Emotions are tender on Saturday as the Moon continues to float through adaptable Pisces. But in the wee hours of Sunday morning, the Moon rams into fiery Aries, burning away the vulnerability and the instinct to give ground to gain intimacy. This is a time when self-interest emerges and the drive to move forward overcomes the need to feel cozy. New and exciting activities, especially physical ones, are perfect for pioneering Aries. Impatience and spontaneity increase to bring passion to a higher level.